Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How we met-

June 1988- After graduating from high school I moved to South Carolina to be a Nanny. Roger came home to South Carolina, where he was born and raised, the summer before his Senior year at the Air Force Academy. I met Roger's parents at church and must have left an impression on them because his Mom told Roger about the "new nanny" that just moved into their Ward. She suggested that he call me and ask me out on a date. Instead of picking up the phone to call me, he called his neighbor, Lisa Watson, and asked her to call me to see if I would be interested in going out with her friend who was home for the summer from school. I told Lisa to have him call me. He did call me and asked me out for the following night. I was very excited for the date and took great care to do my hair just right...and very big! I might remind you that this was 1988 and I had an awesome 80's hair style that took a great deal of time to spray in place. Yup...the bangs were huge!! My employer, Gail Bragg, was on the look out watching for Roger to arrive. Gail raced Corvette's in her younger years and was thrilled to see a red Corvette pull into the driveway. She squealed down the hall that Roger was here and driving a Corvette and giving me a play by play of the event. She lets me know that Roger was getting out of the car then she hesitated for a moment. Her next words were, "he's cute...and...very short". Excited to greet him at the door, I race down the stairs and offered a formal introduction. Roger escorted me to his car and my mouth dropped. Not because I was impressed that it was a Corvette, but because their was no top to the car. Roger thought it would be "cool" to remove the t-tops of the car to impress his date. He was sadly mistaken...how could he not know that I just spent an hour on my hair getting my bangs their perfect height? I'm sure I was hyperventilating but Roger did not notice. He opened the door for me and for some reason...I got in. Still in shock I reached back for my seat belt and couldn't find one. Roger's response was, "oh, there isn't a seat belt on your side" then he buckled up his own belt. Yes...I married this man! After an enjoyable evening, despite my hair not surviving, we continued to date that summer after he promised he would pick me up in his Mom's car. This memory is burned into my brain and will never be forgotten!

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