Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wedding Day-

Despite the hair mishaps we walked down the Isle in 1989- Roger is sporting hair, which he did not keep for long, and Me...sporting a mullet! Hey, it was in style back then.
We were married at my sister's, Patty Leishman, house in West Bountiful. We were later Sealed to each other in the Salt Lake Temple- May 1991
I have been so blessed to have this man in my life! He has sacrificed so much for me and our children. Awww...soon there would be children!


Reynolds Family said...

You forgot to post on there..that you ruined your young nieces whole day by not letting her get in the picture with you and your other niece and nephew! ;) LOVE YOU!!

Reynolds Family said...

oops i commented from being logged into your account and not mine!!! haha sorry!